Content update & design concept of an eBook for Lexware

Challenge accepted


Our customer Lexware was about to migrate the start-up initiative to Not only did all contributions have to be moved, but the eBook “The Ultimate Startup Guide – What you need to know for your start-up” also had to be transferred to the directory of Lexware’s other eBooks.

In this context, the four existing Lexware eBooks were also analysed and it was determined that an update was also necessary with regard to the design, layout and content (wording, style, etc.).

The collaboration with jo’s büro to give our eBooks a new modern look ran smoothly from minute 1. From communication and meeting deadlines to creativity and flexibility, we can only recommend the agency and look forward to working with them on future creative projects.

Vanessa Häßig, Online Marketing Manager | Haufe-Lexware GmbH & Co. KG
Success story


STARTUP GUIDE as a cornerstone

The created design concept and the textual update will be transferred to the other existing eBooks.

More visibility with SEO SEO & seeding

With the help of SEO measures and seeding campaigns, more visibility was created.

Unique branding

Thanks to our partner jo’s büro für Gestaltung, we were able to create a unique visual branding that strengthens the brand with the target group in the long term.

Let’s go


Wording & style of the eBooks

In order to realise the planned measure and give the existing eBooks a young, modern and emotional touch, the content of the Startup Guide was primarily revised. The wording, style and so on were adapted to Lexware’s target group.

Design & layout of the eBooks

Our long-standing partner jo’s büro was brought on board for the eBook design and layout. Several proposals for the eBook redesign were created in close consultation. After the final selection, an appealing basic layout was created that can be easily applied to all existing and future eBooks.

We are always grateful to develop outstanding brand designs for strong and creative brands – together with eology we create great branding successes.

Johannes Breidenbach, Creative Director, Geschäftsführer | jo’s büro für Gestaltung GmbH
Our customer


Lexware is a German provider of commercial software solutions aimed at the self-employed, freelancers and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The company was founded in 1989 in Freiburg im Breisgau and is part of the Haufe Group under the name Haufe-Lexware GmbH & Co. KG.

Lexware offers a wide range of solutions covering accounting, order processing, merchandise management and payroll accounting and aims to support SMEs, start-ups and those who want to become one.

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