Search Engine Optimization

What you should know about QR code marketing
What you should know about QR code marketing

QR codes are enjoying great popularity. From immediate forwarding to detailed product information and simple payment processing to retrieving WiFi access data: QR codes are now ubiquitous. But QR codes are more than just information carriers - they are also an effective marketing tool. You can find out everything you need to know about QR code marketing in this magazine article. ... Continue reading

05 min
Corporate influencers: the key to modern online marketing
Corporate influencers: the key to modern online marketing

The world of online marketing is changing rapidly and one of the most dynamic trends in recent years is corporate influencers. Companies are using their own employees as brand ambassadors to spread authentic and compelling messages. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the role of corporate influencers. Find out more in our article. ... Continue reading

03 min

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