Google Lens Multisearch – This is what the update brings with it!

11.04.202206 min

Last year MUM, this year Multisearch – Google is expanding its search functions and constantly improving its own algorithm. In addition to multimodal searches using the MUM algorithm, i.e. searches that draw information from more than one source or language, Google’s Multisearch now combines image and text searches. For search engine users, this means that in the future, a search on the web can take place via an image and then be strongly segmented or refined by a text entry. Here we tell you in detail what to expect!

What is Google Lens anyway?

The Google Lens function has been around since 2017. This is accessible via the Google app, which you can use via your smartphone. You can use it to visually analyze different aspects. After these analyses, Google will suggest suitable search results to you. You have two options to use Google Lens:

  1. Use a photo, screenshot or image from your gallery
  2. Using your camera

What features does Google Lens offer you?

You have the following functions when you use Google Lens:

Insight into the various functions of Google Lens, source: ©Google

What changes with the update?

Until now, Google Lens has been independent of web search – but Multisearch is now set to change that. By combining image and text searches, matching results are also combined. In contrast to what you are used to, you now have the option of using more than just text for your search queries. This is especially helpful when searching for products or items.

This is how the combination of image and text search works, source: ©Google

A special feature: Multisearch also allows you to search for specific patterns. For example, if you see a wallpaper somewhere whose pattern would look good on your sofa, you can take a picture of it. You can then refine your search using the keyword “sofa”, which you can add by swiping up and clicking the “+ Add to your search” button. Google’s Multisearch then applies the pattern it recognizes in the photo and combines it with your text search query to give you the best possible result. Similarly, Multisearch can be used, for example, if you already like a product very much but would like it in a different color. In this case, you specify which color you are looking for via the text search.

Conclusion: What the new Multisearch brings us

Even if the benefit for online shopping is clearly in the foreground, Multisearch has many other fields of application. These include, for example, care instructions for plants or obtaining background details for city tours or travel. The resulting potential is therefore enormous and extends to far more sectors than just e-commerce.

However, the whole thing has one disadvantage (yet): The new Multisearch is currently only available in English and only on the US market. It is not yet possible to say exactly when it will be available in Germany. Presumably, the beta test run has to be waited for before a worldwide rollout.

Olga Fedukov completed her studies in Media Management at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg. In eology's marketing team, she is responsible for the comprehensive promotion of the agency across various channels. Furthermore, she takes charge of planning and coordinating the content section on the website as well as eology's webinars.

, Marketing Manager +49 9381 58290138

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