
End of Corona break brings back the Google Partner!
End of Corona break brings back the Google Partner!

Many Google partners were unable to achieve the necessary goals to obtain the Google Premium Partner logo last year because of Corona. That's why the program was suspended indefinitely. Now it's back and the new logo is surprisingly coming even this month. All the more we are happy to announce that we will receive it again soon! You can read more about it here... ... Continue reading

03 min
How FLoC is changing future marketing
How FLoC is changing future marketing

Google is getting serious: FloC is entering its first hot test phase. Click here to find out what this means for users and advertisers and why the new technology is already facing initial headwind from the IT industry! ... Continue reading

06 min
Bidding Update at Microsoft Advertising
Bidding Update at Microsoft Advertising

Automation is becoming increasingly important. As a result, Microsoft Advertising will replace manual bidding strategies with so-called "Enhanced CPC", or eCPC for short, from March 2021. Find out if this affects you and what it means for you in our eo:news! ... Continue reading

03 min
Google: Redesign of mobile search results!
Google: Redesign of mobile search results!

Google is bringing a breath of fresh air to mobile search results with its mobile redesign! The Internet giant wants to offer its users a modern experience when searching for information. In this article you will learn which new elements you can expect from the refresh. ... Continue reading

03 min
Stop thinking about BERT: Here comes SMITH!
Stop thinking about BERT: Here comes SMITH!

SMITH is a new algorithm that, like BERT, focuses on semantic relationships. Unlike the predecessor algorithm, SMITH is no longer focused on and limited to understanding individual sentences, but is also supposed to be able to interpret longer texts. ... Continue reading

05 min
What you should know about the new Google Ads Editor V 1.5
What you should know about the new Google Ads Editor V 1.5

You may already know it: Google Ads Editor - a downloadable application where you can manage your Google Ads campaigns. Advertisers often use it because they find it more efficient to manage their ads in the editor rather than through the web interface. So far so good. But now Google announced an update and this new version promises a lot! Click here to find out what. ... Continue reading

04 min

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