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, Head of Marketing & Sales +49 9381 5829009

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Press releases

Are you looking for news from the online marketing industry? There is always something to discover at eology. Here we have summarized all the exciting information from our company as press releases for you.

New: Whitepaper Holistic social media strategy

New: Whitepaper Holistic social media strategy

Using social media as an online marketing channel is more complex than it initially appears. This is because the individual components of social media content, social ads and influencer marketing must be perfectly aligned. The synergy of these three components is at the heart of a successful social media strategy. Find out more here. ... Continue reading

New: AI Content study

New: AI Content study

AI, specifically chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard, are already part of digital content creation. Admittedly, the results are linguistically impressive and the time savings are tempting. However, there are still uncertainties. In the new white paper AI Content Study, the online marketing agency eology shares its brand-new study results. ... Continue reading

New: Whitepaper Shopping Ads

New: Whitepaper Shopping Ads

Among the numerous online marketing tools, Google Shopping has established itself as the market leader. Nevertheless, it is important for a successful marketing strategy to think outside the box and explore new channels. In the new whitepaper "Shopping Ads", the online marketing agency eology shares its experience in this area. ... Continue reading

New: Whitepaper Digital Networking

New: Whitepaper Digital Networking

Digital PR is an integral part of online marketing. With this powerful tool, you can ensure that your website stands out in the digital space and attracts visitors. In the whitepaper, the authors discuss the strategies and best practices of digital PR. In the new whitepaper "Digital Networking: PR & Content Strategies for Your Ultimate Offpage Success", the online marketing agency eology shares its experience in this area. ... Continue reading

New: Whitepaper on International Online Marketing

New: Whitepaper on International Online Marketing

It is not easy for a German company to be successful internationally. Online marketing, and search marketing in particular, can help. In the new whitepaper "Get started internationally – Enter new Markets with the Help of Online Marketing", the online marketing agency eology shares its experience in this area. ... Continue reading

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  +49 9381 5829000