B2B Online Marketing – Strategies for greater Visibility in the digital Age
eologyWhitepaperB2B Online Marketing – Strategies for greater Visibility in the digital Age
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Everything that happens in search marketing can be controlled and thus managed. This makes search marketing the most important success factor in the “new world”. Investments in this area are worthwhile, because search marketing helps to be found better on all relevant channels.
In our infographic, you can find out in a nutshell how B2B companies become visible with online marketing. Click on the graphic to go directly to the image.
Infografik: Mit Online Marketing B2B-Unternehmen sichtbar machen
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Sample Chapter
Search marketing creates competitive advantages
Search marketing is an effective tool that helps companies become visible on the web.
This visibility is becoming increasingly important online. This is because customers in the B2B sector are also increasingly obtaining information online or even making purchases directly on the Internet. This is now also proven by the study: “Online purchasing behavior in B2B e-commerce 2020” by ibi research at the University of Regensburg, in which 68 percent of those surveyed stated that they usually buy via a website or an online store. Anyone who is not found online is not considered.
When we talk about search marketing, many people first think about the rankings on Google. This is of course an extremely important channel, as Google is the market leader among search engines, but you should not forget other search engines such as Bing. Bing in particular is a perfect search marketing channel for B2B companies, as their own target group is often much more concentrated there than on Google. Other channels can be social channels, for example – in the B2B sector, Xing and LinkedIn are particularly worth mentioning here. But Amazon can also be a relevant channel for B2B companies, on which a placement is worthwhile.
You can actively influence the success in all these channels through measures from the areas of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Paid Advertising, Content Creation and Content Outreach (online PR work / spreading your own web content through active seeding). Web analytics then gives you the opportunity to analyze and evaluate the measures taken.
This is also the biggest advantage of search marketing compared to classic marketing. The results of the individual measures can be measured extremely well, making success extremely transparent.
But in the B2B environment, search marketing is often still neglected. This was also one of the findings of the ibi research study mentioned earlier.
It is striking that 18 percent of the companies surveyed do not yet sell online and that for 26 percent of the companies, online sales account for less than 5 percent of annual sales. But things can be different – at 12 percent of the companies surveyed, the share accounts for more than 90 percent of sales, and one in five companies generates more than half of its sales through online sales.
The results could not be more diverse. This can be a very big opportunity for your business. An analysis of your competitors will show how much it can pay off to start or expand search marketing efforts. What are you waiting for?
Search marketing works and can increase sales. The study shows this quite clearly.
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