
Introduction to Angular

Angular is a powerful framework for the development of single-page web applications (SPAs). It is developed by Google and a dedicated community. Since its introduction, Angular has established itself as one of the leading tools for creating dynamic and responsive web applications. Based on TypeScript, Angular provides a solid foundation for developers to create sophisticated applications that provide a smooth user experience on desktop and mobile platforms.

The development

Logo von Angular

Figure 1: Angular logo
Source: Angular

Angular was first released in 2010 under the name AngularJS. This early version was a milestone in the development of web applications and laid the foundation for the modern Angular framework.

In 2016, a completely revised version was introduced, which is often referred to as Angular 2+. In particular, the switch from JavaScript to TypeScript as the primary programming language meant that the new version set a milestone, also in terms of performance, scalability and range of functions.

What does Angular offer?

Angular is a comprehensive frontend framework that provides developers with tools and libraries to create modern and user-friendly web applications. It enables the development of applications that run smoothly on desktop and mobile devices and offer powerful, interactive user interfaces.

Advantages of Angular

Disadvantages of Angular

Angular directives

Directives are a central component of Angular. They are used to extending or change the behavior of DOM elements. There are three main types of directives in Angular: Components, Attribute Directives and Structure Directives.

Component directives implement the principle of web components and make them available via custom HTML tags. Components enable reusability and easier maintainability.

Attribute direct ives extend existing HTML tags with custom attributes.

Structure directives make it possible to include display logic in the HTML and to change the structure of the DOM by adding or removing elements and showing or hiding them. (*ngFor, *ngIf etc.)

Angular compared to React and Vue

A frequently discussed topic in web development is the comparison between Angular, React and Vue. These frameworks (or libraries in the case of react) are currently the most popular tools for creating modern web applications. Angular offers a comprehensive solution with built-in functions and strong typing through TypeScript. React, developed by Facebook, is a library that focuses on the creation of UI components and can be supplemented by a wide range of extensions. Vue is a progressive framework that is known for its simplicity and flexibility and offers an easy learning curve.

CriteriaAngular ReactVue
Developer Google and communityFacebook and communityEvan You and community
First released in 2010 (as AngularJS)20132014
Programming languageTypeScriptJavaScriptJavaScript
ArchitectureComplete frameworkLibrary for UI componentsProgressive framework
TypingStrong typing with TypeScriptOptional with Flow or TypeScriptOptional with TypeScript
RenderingClient-side and server-sideClient-side and server-sideClient-side and server-side
Learning curve SteepModerateFlat
Popularity Widely used in EnterpriseMost widely usedIncreasingly popular
ComponentsDeclarative and modularFunctional and class componentsDeclarative and simple
Community and ecosystemLarge community and extensive ecosystemVery large community and diverse ecosystemGrowing community and good ecosystem
DocumentationComprehensiveExcellentVery good
State managementRxJS, NgRxRedux, MobXVuex
Mobile development IonicReact NativeNativeScript
Performance Good, continuous improvements Very goodVery good

Important facts about Google’s frontend framework

Examples of single-page applications

Companies that use Angular successfully


Overview of Angular

  • Developer: Google and community
  • First release: 2010 (as AngularJS)
  • Programming languages: TypeScript
  • Area of application: Front-end development of single-page web applications
  • More information here

Angular is a powerful and versatile frontend framework that is essential for the development of modern web applications. It offers numerous advantages such as support for TypeScript, a modular structure and built-in test functions. With its comprehensive documentation and large community, Angular is a good choice for developers who want to create robust and scalable web applications.
Angular uses basic web technologies such as HTML and CSS for the design and layout of the user interface. By enabling developers to create structured and stylized user interfaces, the framework ensures that applications are not only functional, but also appealing and user-friendly.


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