Low Hanging Fruits

Low Hanging Fruits: What is that actually?

Low hanging fruits – the name already implies the result. Low hanging fruits are tasks or products that can produce a large output with minimal effort. In other words, they are all measures that can be easily implemented. They pay off on business goals such as increasing sales or conversion.

Low hanging fruits are also present in search engine optimization. Here we are talking about all website optimizations that can be implemented quickly. The goal of SEO Low Hanging Fruits is to improve the ranking.

What is the characteristic of low hanging fruits?

Das Kennzeichen von Low Hanging Fruits ist, dass mit wenig Aufwand oder Arbeit maximaler Erfolg erzielt werden kann. Sie sind deshalb einfach „abzuernten“. Low Hanging Fruits kannst Du in allen Bereichen der Betriebswirtschaft finden. Vor allem nutzt man den Begriff jedoch im Sales-Umfeld, wenn es um Aufgaben geht, die Umsatzziele einfach erfüllen.

The characteristic of low hanging fruits is that maximum success can be achieved with little effort or work. They are therefore easy to “harvest”. You can find low hanging fruits in all areas of business management. However, the term is mainly used in the sales environment when it comes to tasks that simply meet sales targets.

What counts to the Low Hanging Fruits of the SEO?

In the field of search engine optimization, low hanging fruits are all measures that optimize the website with little effort and thus improve the search engine ranking. Examples of SEO low hanging fruits are:


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