The opt-in process is known from permission marketing. How you can usefully integrate it into your marketing concept, you can find out here! ... Continue reading
In a relaunch, existing elements are optimized. A relaunch can be equated with a relaunch or a new start. Typical for a relaunch are:
When a product that is already on the market is changed, improved or simply re-advertised, this is called a relaunch. Depending on the size of the company, this can involve a lot of effort. The goal of a product relaunch is to extend the life cycle of the product. For example, in the relaunch of the product, known bugs may have been fixed, and the product may be reintroduced to the market with improvements.
With a website relaunch, a completely revised and new version of the site is usually published. The content, the design and the technology change significantly. If only the design of a website is adapted, it is no longer called a relaunch, but a redesign.
Whether, when and why you need a relaunch is largely determined by the market in which you offer your products and services. It is important that you know the requirements of your market and critically question them. Especially with websites, technology is constantly changing, as are the user’s demands on your online presence. If your website is outdated, the design is not user-friendly or does not have the technical possibilities for different payment options, for example, your bounce rate will increase in the course of the customer journey.
If you notice that your sales and customer numbers are dropping, it is high time for a relaunch. You can bring your products or services in a new look on the market, the sales figures can increase again. If you also revise your web presence and pay attention to usability and user experience, your conversion rate can also increase significantly.
As part of a website relaunch, an SEO relaunch is often set up. With an SEO relaunch, it is ensured that the existing search engine ranking of the existing website is not lost when switching to the new website. The aim of the SEO relaunch is also to place the new site even better in the SERPs with suitable content.
A website relaunch is confusing for the Googlebot in the first place. You change the content, links and maybe even the website URL. So that Google can still read your new content and assign it correctly, it is important that you create redirects. Don’t just redirect from the subpages of your old homepage to the new homepage of the website. Forward your old pages in a structured way to the new pages that match your old content. This makes it easier for Google to crawl your new page. Also, before the relaunch, evaluate which keywords and which links your existing page ranked well for and use these on your new page as well.
If you do not follow these steps, Google may not recognize your new website and not classify it as “trustworthy”. As a result, your site will lose in the ranking and will be difficult to find by your (potential) customers.
The wrong motivation is the most common mistake in a relaunch. Internal changes often drive these projects – not events in the market and the target group. For example, a change in management personnel can cause a relaunch that is not actually necessary. These processes are often accompanied by intense change and relate more to individual vanity. In addition, it should be avoided that the change corresponds to one’s own needs. Sometimes these are contrary to the needs of your customers and the market. In contrast to the first faux pas mentioned above are the changes that are too small. If the adjustments are only marginal, you should clearly weigh up beforehand whether it is worth the effort, time and costs to start the relaunch. Also, your corporate identity should not be lost through a relaunch of your products and services. If the new edition contradicts this, it makes more sense not to relaunch.
Especially in the area of webshops, where sensitive customer data is worked with, your site should always be up-to-date. The online sector is very fast moving in terms of security and usability guidelines. Often you can see the age of a website after 3-5 years. So that you can always act to the satisfaction of your customers and your site also meets all security standards, you should check your site every 3-4 years on heart and kidney and if necessary perform a face-lift.
The situation is different in the offline area. Here you can orient yourself on the indicators of your customer satisfaction and sales figures. If there are decisive indications that your product or service is falling in sales, you should find out the cause for this and implement appropriate improvements. If you want to adapt your logo or company appearance in addition to your products, it is advisable to do this in small steps. Otherwise, the recognition value of your company could be lost. An appealingly designed corporate identity can stay as it is for 10 to 20 years before it goes through the next relaunch.
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